Water ControL System

Sultan srl, is the Lead Partner of WCL SYSTEM (Water ControL System - Study for naval use), a research and development project in the field of Maritime Technologies, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project activities fall within one of the priorities of the Regional Operational Program, Objective "Investments in favor of growth and employment" 2014-2020 or Axis 1 - "Strengthening research, technological development and innovation", Action 1.3 - “Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services”.
The WCL System project, launched on 25 October 2018, is aimed at solving the problems associated with disinfection and dechlorination systems on board ship buildings, such as the high management costs and the presence, albeit within the permitted limits, of potentially dangerous products for human consumption and the environment. Currently, on board large shipbuilding, the disinfection process involves the use of chemical agents necessary to neutralize elements harmful to human life, which however remain in small quantities in the treated water and lead to high corrosion of the piping lines. . Furthermore, the removal of these residues in the water takes place through the addition of sodium metabisulphite, the handling of which generates potential risks for the safety of workers.
The project intends to compare the different solutions already existing in civil / industrial applications, with the aim of developing a virtual pilot plant and a reduced-scale prototype that consider the distinctive aspects related to water treatment on board.
Primary objectives will be:
reduction of the chemical elements present in the supply to users, which allow a higher quality of water for human consumption;
reduction of maintenance costs by reducing the corrosive potential in the treatment and storage phases.
BUDGET: € 742,873.95
AMOUNT FINANCED: € 492,992.20
PARTNER: Sultan Srl (Lead Partner), Cimar Srl